Thursday, January 2, 2014

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeee... Eight Haffies Milking (?!?!)...

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeee... Eight Haffies Milking (?!?!)...

(Note: This required some creativity on our part and some imagination on your part. Paddy's no good at milking, and Cash kept insisting that he wasn't a cow, despite his spots. So we had to improvise.)

Note the "milk mustache."

How did we get this awesome picture, you ask? It involved some homemade whipped cream and one Very Tolerant Haffie. Here are the outtakes:

Applying whipped cream to dubious Haffie.

Elias helped by getting the drips.

Ew. Schtop it with the schtuff on the schnoz.

I refuse to pose with a gallon of milk.

Ok well maybe...

Nope! Instead I shall EEET IT!

Thpppbt. The things I put up with for fame.


  1. I love his eyes! He looks so curious :)

    1. I am pretty sure he would have eaten the gallon of milk if we'd let him.

  2. Errr, really mom? He is so cute! (I do not think I can ever say that enough).

    1. Yeah I don't think he knew what he was getting into when I told him about the 12 Haffie days of Christmas project.

  3. ROFLMAO. Omg, stop. Just stop -- this is WAY TOO CUTE.

    Also, you should send this to whoever does those celebrity milk commercials, cause Paddy is wayyyy better!!

    1. Oooh good idea! Although I'm not sure Paddy really counts as a celebrity... he's just got cute points!

  4. Continuing to be bowled over by the ultimate cuteness. He's good sized for a haflinger isn't he?

    Thanks so much for the gift Santa - :D

    1. Ultimate cuteness? Perhaps there should be a contest of some sort. Hmmmm... And yes, he's 15.1, quite large for a Haffie.

      So glad you like the gift!
