
Friday, December 12, 2014

I got nuthin' but strep. Again.

Yesterday I woke up with a super-sore throat AGAIN... got to see the doctor first thing, and sure enough, I have strep again. WTH? I'm never sick, so to get this twice in two months is just weird. So now I'm on extra-super-heavy-duty antibiotics, just in case I'm a "carrier". Awesome. Pass me the yogurt, please.

I cancelled my lesson last night, which means I have exactly one ride (tonight) before the show. Thankfully Paddy is the epitome of an ammy-friendly horse, so I'm hoping that judicious application of carrots will encourage good behavior and saving my ass at the show tomorrow.

A girl can dream, right?

Since I have no other pics to share, here's one of hubby with all four of the boys. We managed to get 7 of 8 ears pointed at the camera... not bad, considering!


  1. ahhhhh what a cute family pic!! now you just need someone else to take that photo so you can be in it too! anyways, feel better soon and hope things go swimmingly at the show!! :)

  2. Aww you have a cute herd! Feel better!

  3. Cool photo!

    I have a nasty sore throat, too. Kind of like knives in the throat. No strep though. Hope you feel better.

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon! Love the pic :)

  5. Ugh feel better :( love the picture, you guys have such a variety of colors!

  6. Love that pic! You have a lovely bunch of boys lol. Feel better soon!

  7. That is am amazing percentage of ears. Feel better soon!

  8. get well soon! and keep my fingers crossed for the show!

  9. Feel better asap! *hugs*
    Love the family portrait. Pity about the rogue ear...there's always one ;-)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Don't know what happened there ^ - anyways - hope you're feeling better. Cute and successful ear picture!
