Sunday, October 11, 2015

Top 10 takeaways from the USDF Region 9 Dressage Championships

1. Getting a ride in on the show grounds the night before a show is absolutely key. Paddy was much more focused for the first test since he'd seen everything already.

2. It was the best of times, it was the worse of times. We got both the best score to date, and the worst. Really not the show I had hoped for.

3. I give up, I need to have someone to call my tests for the rest of my life. Seriously, I forgot the test TWICE? We're well into the realm of ridiculousness now. At least I didn't get us eliminated, but it was a close thing.

4. Next time I'm at a show for this long, I'm getting a tack stall. Schlepping all your stuff back and forth to the trailer daily (a 10 minute walk) is a PITA (whine, whine, whine).

5. After 3 hours in a trailer next to Paddy, my trainer's grey mare that used to hate him now thinks he's the best thing ever. There's nothing like a trailer ride to make a new BFF!

6. That moment when you're braiding your horse's forelock (so you can't let go) and he starts grabbing things out of your braiding belt and dropping them on the floor. Thanks, buddy.

7. Stemless wine glasses are the best prizes EVER. Because who doesn't need something to drink wine in? (Note: there were only two people in my class, so the blue ribbon isn't as exciting as it might seem.)

Also note the 8 on the centerline, thank you very much.

8. Yes, after one of our fantastically crappy rides where he bolted off down the long side in canter (again), I really did post to FB asking if anyone wanted a free Haflinger. I was kidding. Mostly.

9. Despite the bad rides, I was sad that I hadn't signed up to show Sunday. Next year, I'm going to stay for all 4 days. More time to ride, more time to watch, more time to visit!

10. No matter how bad your rides were, at the end of the day, it's still just a horse show and a learning experience. Plus, there were some people who had amazing rides who were absolutely inspiring to watch. It just makes me more determined to keep working hard and come back next year ready to shine!

And it wasn't all awful, we did have some really good moments!


  1. That last picture is AWESOME.

    He's so engaged and uphill, your position looks fantastic... Idk - a ribbon, a wineglass and that picture - I'd say it was a success.
    Congrats :D

    1. The last picture is carefully chosen from the videos. It was one moment in a 5 minute test - admittedly, a good moment and one I'm quite pleased with and aspire to, but just a moment. Wait till you see our fail moments! :D

  2. Wait! There was a free Haflinger? Maybe it's time I was on Facebook?

    1. There was, for about 10 minutes. If you want one your best chance is after the next show on Oct. 24. ;)

  3. AWESOME picture. Even if it was carefully selected. You guys look awesome!! It's a sign of things to come when you feel like giving away a free halfie :-)

    1. Yes, my horse looks like he can trot like a normal horse in that picture. I assure you that's not necessarily the case!

  4. Woohoo, sounds like a fun way to show overall with positive learning experiences, inspiration and wine glass!
    Of course your trainer's mare fell for Paddy, who wouldn't? She was just playing hard to get before ;-p
    Gorgeous photo ☺

    1. If only they had also given away wine to go IN the glass!

  5. Apparently I need to move closer so I can take the free haffie before you recant. SO CLOSE.

    I <3 you, Paddykins!

    1. I would have Fedexed him to you, for realz.

  6. You had some great moments, clearly! Be proud of that and work hard this winter so you can come back next year and win MORE WINEGLASSES!

    1. Yes, I need at least 3 more so I can have a set.

  7. woo hoo congrats - sounds like a great experience! paddy looks phenomenal in that last shot

    1. It was definitely an "experience" - not sure about the "great" part hahah!

  8. oh that sounds great/awful/all at the same time :) like number 10 most - next year you will for sure rock the show!

  9. Congratulations on a fabulous show!
