So after a year of discussing, designing, redesigning, and tweaking, we've come up with a plan:

The structure is 36 feet wide and 48 feet long - it's basically a giant run-in shed on the back half, which will in turn open out onto a sacrifice paddock area with all-weather footing (hurrah, no more ankle-deep mud!!!). Only the west (left-hand) wall and part of the north wall are solid, since that's the direction storms usually roll in from. The rest is open to keep it cool in our blistering summers. But I have my tackroom, easy-access hay storage, and one permanent stall, along with a large grooming area. The layout is pretty flexible - in an emergency I could use 12x12 panels to make additional covered stalls, I could use part of the grooming area for extra hay storage if we're in a drought situation and I have the opportunity to stock up, etc. The hubby has an area for extra tool and construction materials storage, which he's very happy to have.
We've spent the better part of the last two months getting bids for the project and getting building permits (yeesh that's a pain), so it's been a slow process. BUT... construction finally started this week!
The sand for the run-in area and the paddock area comes in Monday, along with the wood for framing out the roof. I believe they start on that Tuesday after the slab is poured. So far the only concern is that it takes up to 10 days to get the colored R-panel siding we want, so that may throw a bit of a wrench into things. However, the roofing panels we want are in-stock, so at least we can get the roof up this week.