Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Now that Paddy appears to be sound and ready to work, we're looking toward the local year-end championship show that we've qualified for at Training level. Nothing exciting, it's not even recognized, but formal attire is required, and so is braiding.

For the record, Paddy has the world's THICKEST mane. I've been happily neglecting it since sometime over the summer, so it's about 8-10 inches long. Also, I suck at braiding.

So here's the first question: Do I fake some braids for the show, then let his mane continue to grow out over the winter with the goal of doing a double running braid for future shows? Haffie association rules allow them to be shown with a long mane, and the USDF seems to allow breed standard for manes (as long as they are braided in some way). Or do I suck it up, pull it to a normal length, and do regular button braids for the rest of his life?

Braids are nice...

But the froof is hard to beat!

I'm also in the process of getting Paddy a lifetime registration with the USDF, because I entertain fantasies of showing at rated shows. To register him with the USDF, I have to choose a name to show him under. His actual "official" registered Haflinger name is Arno in Action. And while Arno in Action sounds fancier, to me, he's Paddington Bear. I contacted the Haffie association and I can register him with whatever name I want for USDF, as long as I include his Haffie registration number and registered Haffie name on the USDF registration paperwork. If he's mentioned in the Haffie publication, he'll be listed as "Arno in Action (shown as Paddington Bear)". If he's mentioned anywhere else, he'll be listed as "Paddington Bear".

So, do I register him as Arno in Action, or as Paddington Bear? Big decision time!


  1. You allow yourself to fantasize about getting called at the year-end awards for [local/regional/national dressage organization of your choice], and what name you'd like to hear mispronounced over the PA as you stand up, tears in your eyes, half-bowing to the cheers of your peers. At least, that's what I did when I registered Dixie's full name with AERC - it's goofy, but no goofier than some of them Ay-rab names. ;)

    1. Great advice! I'll try not to fantasize too much there, lol!

  2. He seems like a Paddington Bear to me too.

    1. He totally is. When I went to try him out, I was like "I am too old to own a horse named Paddington Bear, we're going to have to change his name." Then I met him and was like "Oh... yep, he's a Paddington for sure."

  3. I would let him grow his mane out. I used to do a lattice braid on my arab and saw a Haffie with the same at a recognized show in my area. A running braid looks just as sharp as button braids. As for the name, I would go with the one you like. Only hold up would be whether it would effect the awards from the breed association.

    1. His name won't affect breed association awards - I asked. I need to learn how to braid better though, no matter which option I pick!

  4. Does the breeder care? That's my big thing with registered names. If he was bred by Arno Stables, then you have to leave it, but if not, have fun!

    Re: the mane. I went through the same agonizing discussion, breed association allows/encourages long, sport encourages short. but pulled it in the end, and I'm glad I did. Connor looks so much more like a little sport horse than a pony with it pulled. Paddy might be helped out by his height in that department though.

    1. I haven't been in touch with the breeder so I don't know.

      Paddy will look adorable regardless of what his mane is doing. "Adorable horse" is pretty much a guaranteed mark on our dressage tests... sigh.

  5. I love running braids and double is even better. P. Bear for the win.

    1. Now I just have to learn how to do a nice braid, lol!

  6. P bear!!! I vote short and braided :)

    1. Haha I know you love the short braided look!

  7. Long mane - running braid. You're half way there already. If you decide next year, or the year after, that you don't like the running braid, you can pull it then, but - he's a Haflinger, so he doesn't necessarily have to look like a TB. Also, when you're not showing you can glory in ALL THE HAFFIE HAIR.

    1. There is a LOT of hair... I'd just rather not deal with it except when it must be braided up.

  8. I've never been able to make a running braid look good so I vote button braids! Plus I love the big fat button braids that he has :)

    Another vote for Paddington Bear here too. Rico's show name is technically Rico 206 but Regentanzer meant so much more to me and I've never regretted it.

    1. So those "big fat button braids" were from when his mane was thinned and short. I think they would now be tennis-ball-sized braids, lol!

      I LOVE Rico's show name!

  9. RUNNING BRAID! With a little practice they can look very neat and are easy to do. His mane is long enough for a single running braid.

  10. i love running braids (tho objectively fail at recreating them in my own mare...) - and love paddington bear. the arno name sounds nice, but oddly sterile?? anyways, exciting about the show!

    1. Arno in Action sounds kind of... weird. Dunno.

      And I suck at braids of any kind, so we can fail at running braids together!

  11. P Bear & running braid!!!! Fab i needs his luscious locks of sunshine ☺

    1. Eurgh autocorrect!
      P Bear & running braid!!! Fabio needs his luscious locks of sunshine ☺

    2. Heh... autocorrect for the win!

  12. P bear and a running braid =)


    And I'm changing my vote from short and braided to a bedazzled lattice braid because that's what I'll do to my centerfold. ;-) Crystals on every junction. WE WILL SHINE.

    1. Hahahaha, I laughed out loud reading this.

    2. I used to use white tape or multicolored bands when I did my grey arabs mane. It looked really cool, so bedazzling would be great.

    3. SB, you totally need your own Haffie to bedazzle. ;)

  14. I vote button braids with an unbraided forelock so he still rocks that swagger.

    1. Apparently you're only allowed to do a loose forelock for a stallion. I had no idea!

  15. Paddington Bear! Also - good button braids can be done with a long thick mane!

    1. I may have to try the button braids with a long mane, because pulling his is not something I want to do on any sort of regular basis. Too lazy lol!

  16. I vote grow the mane and braid it!
    And Paddington Bear for the win! It is just too cute to not be his name :)

  17. First of all, I vote Paddington Bear. His Haffie name will still follow and give his heritage recognition, so no loss. Plus, Paddington Bear is too adorable to pass up. It gives you presence. I know from my years scribing, scribes and judges turn into little girls giggling and loving on adorable ponies with adorable pony names. True story.

    I'd say just running braid what you have right now, and pull and button braid next year. I totally agree with Carly on leaving the forelock unbraided to let his quirky self shine out.

    1. Having scribed myself, I have to agree that the cute ones get extra smooshy comments (though no extra points, alas).

  18. Leave the mane!! Of course, I don't show and I adore long manes, despite the hard work they are, but that's my opinion.

    And I vote for Paddington Bear! It would be the cutest thing going into a show ring! :)

    1. It's actually more work to keep it thinned. He has SO MUCH MANE.

      And it's true, Paddington is such a great name in the show ring!

  19. Another vote for Paddington Bear! He's way too cute to be Amo in Action!
    As far as the mane goes, I'd leave it the way you like it best, and find a way of making good show braids (button, running, lattice, whatever) with what you've got.

    1. Good point on making the mane work with what I've got. Mostly I'm just too lazy to keep it short and thinned, lol!

  20. IMHO he is definitely a Paddington Bear, heart and soul!
    As for the mane... at the current length you can probably do a running braid or maybe scallop braids. Once it grows out he would assuredly look great with a lattice braid.
