More wildflower pictures from around the farm. The purple flowers seem to be coming out!

Violet wood sorrel. These flowers curl up at night, then re-emerge the next morning.

Possibly self-heal, but I need to look more closely at the flowers to determine if that's the correct identification. If anyone else knows what these are, please drop me a line.

Rose vervain, I think.

We have exactly two Texas Bluebonnets growing on the property. Unfortunately, I think the horses ate them shortly after I took this picture. [Yes, I know the lupine species, of which bluebonnets are a part of, is toxic to livestock. However, horses are not very susceptible to lupines (sheep are significantly more so), and Texas Bluebonnets are not known to cause problems. So, I figure that the two that were munched shouldn't cause a problem for the boys.]
I hope everyone out there is having a lovely Easter, and I hope you got to enjoy some wildflowers as part of it!
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