If you visit the Paint Creek Web site, Cash has his own page with some very handsome pictures of him. Next month he's going to be the feature horse of the month, so I'll let you know when his story appears on their site.
On my visit, we did our usual grooming routine, which Cash wasn't terribly interested in. He got hoof goo and fly spray, had his eyes sponged and medicated (he has very sensitive eyes), and was fed a constant stream of carrot bites. He's a pretty plump guy right now, and could give Reddums a run for his money in the fat category! Still, I'd rather have him a little plump as an older horse than too thin. It can be hard for them to keep weight on as they get older, but Claudia, the owner of Paint Creek, does such a fantastic job with all the horses.
I took a few pictures while I was out there - you can see how well he's doing!

Happy Birthday, Monsieur Le Spot! Here's to another year of retirement!
How nice that you went to visit your old friend! When the girls and I moved to my cousin Joe's farm in '94, he had his dad's old horse, Shadow. My uncle bought her as an already-elderly horse, to "have a horse around the place," as well as to give her a luxurious retirement. She was well-loved and cared for, and midwifed several calves: she was very attentive to mother cows and would stand by them when they had their babies. Later she would lie down and the calves would clamber over her. When she got sick and feeble (happened very quickly), my cousin put her down. I have her skull in my living room, and think of her sweetness every time I look at it! Weird, maybe, but it makes us remember her with fondness.