I also have a horrible time finding good cards. Fortunately, my mother has no such troubles. In fact, she's sort of legendary for having a stock of greeting cards on hand for any occasion. Cute, funny cards. The kind that make you laugh out loud when you get them. She probably has 200 or so of them stuffed away in her desk drawer, ready to send whenever she needs them. She is always perusing the card section at any store we go to.
We are often the recipients of her card-finding expertise, and today was one such occasion. Mom sent us a thank-you card for our hospitality last weekend when they came to visit. (Really, mom, you don't have to send us thank-you cards for that sort of thing. Our door is open at any time. REALLY!) And because the card was so good, I just have to share.

And for the record, sure, I'll take a nice hen of egg-bearing age. You can keep the roosters, though.
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