My back is doing much, much better. After any number of hours laying on a heating pad, not to mention loads of ibuprofen, it now spends its time mostly feeling just fine. As for having a cracked rib, I don't think that was ever the problem. Maybe I did have a rib out, I don't know, but I do know that carrying my laptop bag on that shoulder tends to aggravate it, and if my neck is feeling stiff my back starts to twinge too. I'm just paying a little more attention to my body and trying to keep the muscles loose, and that seems to be working. I still have one more laser treatment that I could go in for, but shockingly, I don't think I'll be going back to that particular chiropractor ever again.
Oh and today's heat index is something like 105. We even get a special weather statement! I've gotta get back outside and finish doing what I can while it's still reasonable. Yikes.
Glad everyone is healing well. That is some impressive damage at the end.